An inspiring story

In a distant land, there lived a powerful lord who had heard of a painter renowned for many seas. The lord was obsessed with the idea of having a crab painting, and he set out to find the painter.
After a long journey across stormy seas, the lord arrived at the painter's house. Accompanied by his army, he knocked on the door and asked the painter to draw the most beautiful crab in the world. The lord promised to cover the painter in gold if he succeeded, but threatened to execute him if he failed.
The lord left, leaving the painter to his drawings. Weeks passed, then months, and still the painter had not finished his work. Each time the lord returned to see if the painter had succeeded, the painter would ask him for more time.
Finally, after years of waiting for his crab, the lord had had enough and returned one last time to see the painter, vowing to execute him on the spot if he did not have his crab. Seeing the lord and his army approaching, the painter calmly took a sheet of papyrus and a bamboo reed dipped in ink. In less than a minute, he drew the most realistic and beautiful crab the lord had ever seen.
The lord, amazed by the painter's speed, was about to get angry for having been forced to wait for so long, when a gust of wind entered the house, opened the doors of the cupboards, and countless drawings came out and scattered on the floor
Not one had a better crab than the one the painter had just painted.
Knowing the reputation of the painter and it's exentricity, the lord was aware that patience was the key !