MioSguardo Bordeaux
The mint is live on https://xoxno.com/buy/Sylla/MIoSguardoBordeaux
MioSguardoBordeaux is a nft collection of 58 pictures shot in Bordeaux, France, by Sylla.
The pictures are shot in black&white (with a few having some color left) with a focus on contrast, shape, symmetry and antisymmetry.
The points of view are disrupted, and a new look is given to the buildings.
For each picture, you will have access in the metadata to the GPS coordinates of the picture, as well as the focal length, the exposure time and the ISO sensitivity used for the shot. The goal is to immerge you in my creation process, letting you know more about what I did, where I did it and how. You can see for yourself the difference between how i see the world (my NFTs) and how the world really is (using the GPS coordinates).
Inside MioSguardoBordeaux is hidden a Secret Hunt, in order to discover the 24 words of the seedphrase of the secret wallet and win 10% of the profits of MioSguardoBordeaux mint.
For the Secret Word Hunters, here are all the minted MioSguardoBordeaux NFTs, with their JSON file associated.
3rd MioSguardoBordeaux NFT : Porte d'Aquitaine

30th MioSguardoBordeaux NFT

15th MioSguardoBordeaux NFT